Looking for work as a software developer
I'm currently looking for a job as a software developer, near Turku area. I'm interested in web development.
So far, what I can tell. I've been working with LAMP-stack (I'm no expert on the subject, but I think I might have some experience with it and also with the leading CMS's like Wordpress and Drupal that rely on LAMP), but I'm interested moving towards for example MERN-stack, because PHP might be at the end of the line in a few years and the same might go to MySQL as well, because so many use MongoDB nowadays.
I'm highly motivated and eager to learn more, all that I wish is to someone to point me on the right direction.
I would love to have a company that takes me under it's wings, so we can learn and grow together as a team. Because I'm quite sure, I'm not letting you or your company down. If necessary, I could work around the clock. I think that tells a lot about my motivation.
So, what I can tell you about myself (besides that, that I'm highly motivated and eager to learn more). I'm calm, reliable as a rock (if you ask something, you got it delivered) and have a dark sense of humour. I'm not such a people person, unless it's not concert or festival, then I can feel that I'm able to have a chat with someone. Small talks are not for me. At free time, I'm spending it with my girlfriend and our dog. Except for the dog, we like to watch movies and play videogames together. Also, I've been spending some time with Raspberry Pi's, because I'm interested in Linux.
My salary wish would be around 9-11 euros per hour, because like I told you before, I'm no expert on anything and also, because life is more than just money. For me, salary is just a number on my bank account and at the end of the month, I'm satisfied if the number is above the line after all expenses. Money is what we get when we are interested to do something and when we are quite good what we do, but it doesn't define us.After all, we are all quite equal.
You can view my LinkedIn profile from here.